性微機械固態雙傾在寬溫度圍內提供優異的可性和可以接受的2.75.5伏直流電源。 基于差動電容的原則本機檢測并將其換成模擬電壓成正比傾斜的變化。 傳感器是打包成一個小型DFN封的SMT封。 易于安和堅固的使其成為眾多擁有傾斜的+ -90 arcdeg圍內的精密應用場合。 傳感器可以組在一個0.5“× 1.5”印刷電板的作從6 18Vdc。 根據求修改以單位可以經從5V直流源。
High performance micro-machined solid state dual axis inclinometer delivers excellent reliability over wide temperature range and can accept power sources of 2.7 to 5.5 Vdc. Based on the principle of differential capacitance, the unit detects and converts tilt changes into proportional analog voltage. Sensor is packaged into a ultra-small DFN SMT package. Easy installation and rugged design make it suitable for numerous high precision applications with tilt range of +-90 arcdeg. Sensor also available assembled on a 0.5″ x 1.5″ PCB which is operational from 6-18Vdc. Upon request unit can be modified to operate from 5Vdc source.
Tilt Range | -90.00 to 90.00 degrees |
Category | Sensor / Transducer |
Tech | Electrolytic |
Num Axes | 2.00 |
Output | Analog Voltage |
Accuracy ( | 1.00 degrees |
Bandwidth | 3000 Hz |
Environment | |
Operating Temp | -40.00 to 185 F |
Max Shock | 4500 g |
Max Vib. | 4500 g |
傾斜的EZ-2A-DFN封,先的定位系統公司,傾傳感器,開關和傾,EZ-Tilt-2A-DFN, Advanced Orientation Systems, Inc., Tilt Sensors, Switches and Inclinometers