SX的- 015D – VIB的和SX – 005D – VIB的是單一線性瓷傾斜傳感器提供經濟和可的單傾斜的振動的應用常好的線性關系分率和優的對稱性求的決方案。 一個專開發的內構有助于制在劇烈振動的動和電發泡。 堅固的結構在振動軍標寬的溫度圍和優異的濾力使些傳感器為眾多建筑軍工汽工業激光醫療型機械和機器人技術的應用場合。 低垂直平參方便簡單的利用率。


SX-015D-VIB and SX-005D-VIB are single axis LINEAR ceramics tilt sensors that provide economical and reliable single axis tilt solutions for HIGH VIBRATION applications where very good linearity, high resolution and superior symmetry are required. Constructed with a specially developed internal cavity helps restrict the movement and foaming of electrolyte during severe vibrations. Rugged construction, MIL-SPEC wide temperature range and excellent filtering ability during vibration make these sensors suitable for numerous construction, military, automotive, industrial, laser, medical, heavy machinery and robotics applications. Low profile and vertical flat reference surface facilitate simple utilization.



Tilt Range-5.00 to 5.00 degrees
CategorySensor / Transducer
Num Axes1.00
OutputAnalog Voltage
Operating Temp-67.00 to 257 F

SX-005D-VIB的,先的定位系統公司,傾傳感器,開關和傾,SX-005D-VIB, Advanced Orientation Systems, Inc., Tilt Sensors, Switches and Inclinometers

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