美國Applied Scientific Instrumentation ASI PZ-2150FT高精度顯微鏡載物臺,顯微鏡位移臺,ASI顯微鏡,ASI PZ-2500FT,ASI PZ-2150FT

美國Applied Scientific Instrumentation ASI PZ-2150FT高精度顯微鏡載物臺,顯微鏡位移臺,ASI顯微鏡,ASI PZ-2500FT,ASI PZ-2150FT

“Genome sequence of the nematode C. elegans: A platform for investigating biology.”

Applied Scientific Instrumentation ASI PZ-2000Ft 標準規格及配置
X- and Y-axes range of travel120 mm x 75 mm, or more
X- and Y-axes resolution (encoder step)0.088 μm
X- and Y-axes lead screw accuracy0.25 μ/mm
X- and Y-axes RMS repeatability< 0.7 μm
X- and Y-axes maximum velocity7 mm/s

*In external input mode, use of a higher bit DAC will increase resolution. For example, a 0-10 analog voltage from the DAC results in the following:

美國Applied Scientific Instrumentation ASI PZ-2150FT高精度顯微鏡載物臺

External Analog InputStepsResolution
16 Bit DAC655362.2 nm
17 Bit DAC1310751.1 nm
18 Bit DAC2621440.55 nm

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