LIS500IR | CMOS image sensor / linear 500 x 1 px

CMOS image sensor / linear 500 x 1 px | LIS500IR Dynamax Imaging
The LIS-500IR image sensor is a high performance, ultra low power, low cost near IR Sensor, designed to meet the demanding needs for small cost effective decoding, optical touch screen, position detection and feedback, OCR, and other applications..lis-500ir的圖像傳感器是一種性低功低成本的紅外傳感器出滿求的小成本有效的碼光學摸屏位置檢測與反OCR和其他應用程序。All that is needed to achieve video is a single low voltage power supply, a clock, and up to two control signals.所有一切實現(xiàn)是一個單一的低電壓供電時和兩個控制信號。

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