Oil condition sensor GearControl-OiL?

Oil condition sensor GearControl-OiL? 油油?擋位限定結構狀態傳感器
Oil condition sensor GearControl-OiL? 油油?擋位限定結構狀態傳感器

GearControl-OiL? is a concentrated gear system that comes with with cutting edge technology. The device is designed to monitor six parameters indicative of lubricant condition continuously and also simultaneously. It uses integrated algorithm which draws conclusions about the general state of the gearing, using these six parameters. The system can detect out of the line lubricant condition. It is also able to pick any damage caused to the gearing.
GearControl-OiL? minimizes the chances of fatal damage to the gear system as it constantly looks for the signs. It eases the maintenance work and helps in planning preventive measures. The system comes with a high performance sensor to provide good results. It can help in reducing the instances of gear system outages with its superior performance.

Oil condition sensor GearControl-OiL? 油油?擋位限定結構狀態傳感器

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