The ENERVAC Mobile circuit breaker oil purifier filter cart(E858M) is ideal for extending oil life by the removal of moisture, particulate and carbon from dielectric fluids and oils used in transformers, circuit breakers, voltage regulators and switch gear. The cart is completely mobile and certified for highway travel. The Mobile Oil Filter Cart can be used to retrieve the fluid, flush and refill the breakers. Operator friendliness and ease of maintenance is designed into each cart. Save on the disposal cost of carbon contaminated oil by restoring it with ENERVAC#8217;s Mobile Oil Filter Cart. Available in several sizes and designs.ENERVAC移動斷器凈油機濾e858m是理想的去潮氣延機油的使用壽命粒和碳用的變壓器絕緣液和油斷器電壓器和開關置。是完全移動和的公旅。移動濾油小可用于檢索液沖洗和填充器。用戶友好性和易維護性為每。省處置成本的碳污染的油恢復與ENERVAC # 8217移動濾油小。多種尺寸和。