It is generally recognized that water is an enemy of turbine lubricating oils. Water in oils impairs its lubricating properties and increases the rate of oxidization, develops sludge formation and causes costly corrosion to equipment. Modern high quality oils, designed to meet severe requirements imposed on them by turbine lubrication, are more inclined to form emulsions. At the same time, their performance depends on numerous additives which are easily dissolved in, or damaged by water. Since it is often impossible to prevent water from entering the lubricating system, it is extremely important to remove it from the oil before it causes permanent damage. The ENERVAC Turbine Oil Filtration Systems Purification Equipment (E859T) address all these areas of concern. This system dehydrates, filters, de-aerates and purifies the turbine oil #8211; maintaining its lubricating properties as close to original specifications as is possible.人們普為水是一種渦潤滑油的敵人。水在油中損害其潤滑性提了氧化率污泥的形成和發展成昂備的。現代潤滑油專為滿嚴格的求渦潤滑強加給他們更傾向于形成乳液。同時其性取決于它的易溶于多種添加劑或水損壞。因為往往不止水入潤滑系統它是將其從石油之前它會導永久性的損傷極為。ENERVAC平油濾系統凈化備e859t決所有些域的關注。系統水濾去氣凈化汽機油# 8211保持其潤滑性接原來的格是可的。