The ENERVAC Turbo Compressor Seal Oil Purifier (E865S) can effectively remove dissolved and adsorbed gases including hydrogen sulfide, which is detrimental in even trace quantities. Lighter fraction hydrocarbons are driven out, returning the oil to its original viscosity. Water is always a major contaminant, particularly in combination with other components, such as ammonia and carbon dioxide. When present in synthetic lubricants, the vacuum process removes water easily to low levels below saturation point. The Seal Oil Purifier provides mechanical separation of particulate matter down to the sub-micron range. The removal of the above prevents oxidation from taking place and assures the acid number remains within acceptable levels.ENERVAC渦壓縮機密封油凈化器e865s可以有效地去溶和吸含硫化氫氣體中微的甚是有害的。分烴類了出來回到其原始粘度油。水一直是主的污染物尤其是在與其他成分的組合如氨和二氧化碳。當在合成潤滑油真空處理去水容易低水平低于和點。密封油凈化器提供機械分離粒物低到亞微米圍。以上的可以止氧化的發生保了數保持在可接受的水平。