Underwater Adhesive — 10-3507

Underwater Adhesive -- 10-3507 Epoxies Etc...

10-3507是一種雙組分無溶劑水下固化環氧體系。 個系統是制定著力潮濕寒冷或水下應用。 綸已添加到增加強度和磨性10-3507制定。

10-3507 is a two component, solvent free, underwater curing epoxy system. This system was formulated for applications requiring high adhesion to wet, cold or underwater surfaces. Kevlar has been added to the 10-3507 formulation for added strength and abrasion resistance.


Material System
Chemical System Epoxy
Composition Filled
Cure / Technology Thermoset; Two Component  ; Room Temperature Vulcanizing or Curing
Type / Form Grease, Paste
Composition & Features
Industry Construction; OEM or Industrial; Underwater

水下粘劑-10-3507,環氧樹等。,工業密封劑,Underwater Adhesive , 10-3507, Epoxies Etc…, Industrial Sealants

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