Equilibar中低壓減壓器 中壓減壓調節閥 中壓減壓調節器 高壓減壓調節器 減壓閥調節器 壓力調節器 中壓減壓閥 減壓穩壓閥

Equilibar Model 10 Pressure Reducing Regulator



Equilibar 10型減壓調節器結構緊湊,易于通過頂部安裝的旋鈕進行調節。閥蓋頂部有螺紋孔,便于面板安裝,壁裝也有支架。




Max Supply Pressure500 psig, [35.0 bar(g)], (3500 kPa) Maximum
Flow Capacity40 SCFM (68 m3 /HR) @ 100 psig, [7.0 bar(g)], (700 kPa) supply and 20 psig, [1.5 Bar(g)], (150 kPa) setpoint
Exhaust Capacity5.5 SCFM (9.35 m3/HR) where downstream pressure is 5 psig, [.35 bar(g)], (35 kPa) above 20 psig, [1.5 bar(g)], (150 kPa) setpoint
Supply Pressure EffectLess than 0.1 psig, [7 millibar(g)], (.7 kPa) for 100 psig,
[7.0 bar(g)], (700 kPa) change in supply pressure
Ambient Temperature-40°F to +200°F (-40°C to 93.3°C)
Hazardous LocationsAcceptable for use in Zones 1 and 2 for gas atmosphere;
Groups IIA and IIB and Zones 21 and 22 for dust atmospheres
Materials of Construction
Body and HousingAluminum
DiaphragmBuna N on Dacron
TrimBrass, Zinc Plated Steel


Part NumberPressure RangePipe SizeLead Time
10212-Z224350 – 2 psig / .14 bar(g)1/4″ NPTSame Day Shipping!
10222-Z224350 – 10 psig / .69 bar(g)
10202-Z224350 – 20 psig / 1.4 bar(g)
10232-Z224350.5 – 30 psig / 2 bar(g)
10242-Z224351 – 60 psig / 4 bar(g)
10262-Z224352 – 150 psig / 10 bar(g)
10272-Z224353 – 200 psig / 13.8 bar(g)
10282-Z224355 – 300 psig / 20.7 bar(g)
10292-Z224355 – 400 psig / 27.6 bar(g)

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