Aircraft engine test bench Flow Systems

Aircraft engine test bench Flow Systems 飛機發動機試驗臺流系統
Aircraft engine test bench Flow Systems 飛機發動機試驗臺流系統

Test material:
aircraft engine
This test stand uses a coriolis flow meter to measure the mass flow rates through the Unit Under Test. The coriolis flow meter measures mass flow by driving the flow tubes inside the meter at their natural frequency. The combination of the vibration and the liquid momentum induce a Coriolis force. The Coriolis force twists the tube in proportion to the rate of mass flow through the tubes. The controller software handles the opening and closing of valves and calculates flow rates based on sensor readings. The controller also monitors the flow conditions to ensure that the flow is stable.

Aircraft engine test bench Flow Systems 飛機發動機試驗臺流系統

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