



  • 顯示導熱系數和溫度
  • 通過熱線法快速穩定地進行電阻測量
  • 沒有對流的影響
  • 適用于任何流體、粉末和凝
  • 只需要少量樣品(35ml)
  • 高重現性99%
  • 設置時間短
  • 易于操作
  • 可選連接到計算機,用于全自動測量和溫度控制。
Electronic unit LAMBDA
Instationary heat wire resistance measurement in accordance with ASTM D7896
Thermal conductivity 10 to 2.000 mW/mK
Accuracy +/- 2 % reading
Reproducibility +/- 1 % reading
Repeatability +/- 0.5 % reading
Temperature sensor PT100 +/- 0.1o C
Specific heat (computed) 0.1 to 1 cal/g o C
Measuring time approx. 30 s
Display: LC-Display
Digital interface: RS 232
Analog interface: 0…10 V or 4…20 mA
(thermal conductivity)
0…10 V or 4…20 mA
controller interface: RS232 ( heating unit)
Housing: Design electronic housing
Size/weight (approx.): 230*350*140 mm, 3 kg
Power supply: 110-230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Ambient temperature: 10 to 40o C
Sensor unit LAMBDA
Heat wire element: Pt
Dimensions: designed to be screwed
into measuring chamber
(see 4.3)
Material: stainless steel
Temperature sensor PT100 +/- 0.1°C
Sensor cable: L = 1 m
Temperature range: -50°C to 300oC
Measured medium: fluids, powders, gels &
Measuring chamber LAMBDA
Stainless steel chamber
Containment: D=36 mm, L=90 mm
Material: stainless steel
Temperature range: -50°C to 300°C
Pressure range: 0 to 35 bar
Interface cable RS232 (LAMBDA – PC)
Software LAMBDA System
(operating system WINDOWS XP and
higher versions)
Block thermostat for EPSILON+ / LAMBDA
for the fully automatic determination of the dielectric
properties of fluids as a function of temperature
Type CL-355A-230
Temperature range Room temperature to 400
degree C (by use with the
EPSILON+ up to 180° C
& up to 300°C with the
LAMBDA) Temp. stability +/- 0,3 degree C
Temp. set manually & automatically
Power supply 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Controller interface RS232

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