High Voltage 熱陰極潘寧離子源Model SO-100

High Voltage 熱陰極潘寧離子源Model SO-100 主要特點
? 易于操作和維護
? 低功耗
? 燈絲壽命長
? 近光燈發射
? 離子束來自惰性氣體

General description
The HVEE SO-100 high current ion source is a hot filament Penning discharge source to produce, among others, ions like B+, Si+, P+ and As+ from fluorinated gases like BF3, PF5 (PF3), SiF4 and AsF5. Beams from noble gases as well as from gases like O2 are also readily produced.
The discharge is sustained by electrons emitted from a hot tungsten filament and an arc power supply that accelerates the electrons into the plasma region where they serve to ionize and break up the molecules from the feed gas. A solenoid creates a magnetic field that is shaped by soft iron within the source and that serves to confine the plasma. From the plasma boundary, the ions are extracted by the electric field in the extraction region to form a low divergent ion beam.
Spare parts to cover the first needs are included with each SO-100 ion source.
Other types of penning ion sources available from High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. are:
– The Model SO-60 Cold Cathode Penning ion source
– The Model SO-90 Sputter Penning ion source

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