High Voltage銫離子槍Model 133 主要特點
? 易于操作和維護
? 高密度束流
? 穩定性優于每小時 1%
? 高電離效率
? 適用于 SIMS, Ion 微探針和 and Ion 顯微鏡
? 高壽命的銫電荷
General description
The HVEE Model 133 cesium ion gun is especially designed for attachment to existing ion microprobes and ion microscopes. The Model 133 cesium ion gun can be rapidly interchanged with a Duoplasmatron ion source to provide the optimum in positive and negative ion yields with minimum downtime.
The Model 133 cesium ion gun provides a beam of energetic cesium ions for sputtering of a sample surface and to introduce cesium atoms into the near surface region. This cesiated surface results in a high negative secondary ion yield for those elements with a favorable electron affinity.
Cesium is controllably volatilized from a heated reservoir to feed a tungsten frit, which is heated up to 1100 oC. The cesium diffuses through the frit and is thermally ionized with almost 100% efficiency. The Cs+ ions are then accelerated and focused by the same ion optics as for a Duoplasmatron ion source.
The Model 133 cesium ion gun is designed for routine, reliable operation. With proper care and attention, a cesium charge will last several hundred hours. The reservoir/frit assembly is housed in a stainless steel chamber, which has a flange compatible with most ion probes.