Thermostat PT100, max. 3 000 W, 0 … 200 °C

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Thermostat PT100, max. 3 000 W, 0 ... 200 °C 溫控器PT100,最多3個000瓦,0…200°
Thermostat PT100, max. 3 000 W, 0 … 200 °C 溫控器PT100,最多3個000瓦,0…200°

Holroyd can integrate a wide range of thermal control devices into the silicone heaters. This guarantees that the operation is controlled by the user.
The available devices in stock are PT100s, J, K and T type thermocouples, bi-metal thermostats and thermal fuses. They also incorporate user-specific thermistors, and temperature-resistant features into the devices.
It has an input of PTC1000 sensor included on the heater mat. The standard supply voltage is 230V, but can also be a 110 Volts version.

Thermostat PT100, max. 3 000 W, 0 … 200 °C 溫控器PT100,最多3個000瓦,0…200°