該 810-023 過濾系統被設計為去除磷酸酯污泥和硬顆?;簤毫黧w 500 SUS粘度. 過濾系統采用了堅固, 車輪安裝架,并配有專用泵, 發動機, 連接軟管和不銹鋼棒鼓. 模型 810-023 是專為而一般液壓系統使用,,en,系統施加在利用伺服閥臨界占空比系統,,en,該系統可用于清除水庫,,en,清潔油內桶和油從鼓轉移到水庫,,en,已經證明本身能夠保持新油的質量在延長的時間周期從而大大延長周期補液之間的時間并減少了內部磨損的系列水潤最高過濾元件,,en,系統規格,,en,HS420過濾器推車,,en,TSG200-400,,st -023.1 system is applied on critical duty systems utilizing servo valves. The system can be used to clear reservoirs, clean oil inside drums and to transfer oil from drums into reservoirs. 該系統的心臟是唯一, 大容量 400 Series Hydra-Supreme filtration element that has proven itself capable of maintaining new oil quality over extended periods of time thus greatly extending the time between periodic fluid replacement and reducing internal wear.