Barcode label ID Technology

Barcode label ID Technology ID Technology
ID Technology offers Variable Data amp; Barcode Label Printing. Variable data can be any unique information that differs from one label to the next, such as sequentially numbered barcode labels. The variable data can be text, barcodes or even graphics. These labels can be used for asset tracking, serial numbers, work in process labels, pallet labels, warehouse labels, pharmaceutical labeling and more. Concert, sport or general ticketing needs are also part of the variable data printing services offered.ID技術提供可變數據和條碼標簽打印。可變數據可以是任何獨特的信息不同的標簽下如序編號的條碼標簽。可變數據可以是文本條形碼或圖形。些標簽可用于產序列號工作程中的標簽托盤標簽倉庫標簽醫標簽和更多。樂體或一的票務求也對可變數據印刷服務提供。

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