Flexographic printing label ID Technology

Flexographic printing label ID Technology ID Technology
For your prime labels, ID Technology has you covered. Our state-of-the-art flexographic presses produce the highest quality full color labels on a wide variety of label materials..你的標簽標技術有你蓋。我們先的柔版印刷機生產出的全彩標簽在各種各樣的標簽材料。Our label specialists are here to help you choose the best materials for your application, from the right face stocks, inks and adhesives to topcoats. Our in-house graphics team can create new labels or re-originate art and produce the plates necessary for attention grabbing labels for your product.我們的標簽的專家來幫助你為您的應用擇最好的材料從右油墨和粘合劑漆。我們內的圖形團可以創建新的標簽或是術和生產你的產品標簽必注意板。

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