Knight Optical Redshift NIR I高性能迷你光譜儀
Knight Optical很高興能夠為實驗室和現場應用提供一系列價格合理、耐用的迷你光譜儀。
有關個別型號的更多詳細信息,請參閱我們的股票頁面。Knight Optical為每種類型提供了一系列變體,以涵蓋廣泛的應用。如果我們的庫存型號不包括您的申請,我們可以提供定制的變體。
Blueshift | Cost effective UV/UVN spectrometers | 220-1100nm |
Shooting Star | Research grade concave grating spectrometers | 190-1100nm |
Supernova | High efficiency UVN spectrometer | 190-1100nm |
Redshift | NIR PDA/InGaAs spectrometers | 900-2300nm |
Nebula | Cost effective VIS/NIR spectrometer | 350-1150nm |
Raman Galaxy | Raman spectrometer for sample testing | 200-3200cm-1 |
Knight Mini HR | Ultra high resolution spectrometers | 200-1075nm |
Knight Multisystem | Dual systems for extended operating range. | 200-1700nm |
Knight Optical的Redshift NIR I高性能迷你光譜儀設計用于覆蓋0.9-1.7μm的NIR波長范圍。配備InGaAs(砷化銦鎵)探測器和高質量的“傳感器無限”線性光電二極管陣列,該陣列由512個像素組成,高25μm乘500μm,可提供最大的靈敏度。探測器有一個集成的TEC(熱電冷卻器),溫度穩定在-10度+/-0.1度,以確保增強的信噪比。Redshift迷你光譜儀是一個“即插即用”系統,提供了開箱即用測試所需的一切。安裝軟件,插入系統并開始測量,無需大驚小怪。
Redshift NIR I迷你光譜儀沒有移動部件,封裝在堅固的外殼中,具有非凡的耐用性,使其在現場既便攜又可靠。Redshift NIR I迷你光譜儀適用于一系列NIR應用,包括但不限于光譜輻射測量、光功率測量、激光表征和薄膜測量。化學應用包括化學ID和水分分析。雙光束和多光束應用可以通過使用提供的USB-2連接將兩個或多個迷你光譜儀配置在一起來實現。
Model: Dynamic range: Optical resolution: Detector type: Detector range: Grating: Grating range: Disperison: Pixel Size: Pixel well depth: Selectable well control: Signal to noise: Digitizer: Dimensions: Power consumption: Interface: Data transfer speed: Detector integration: Slit size options: Operating systems: Software included: Also free programs for: | NIR?1 4000:1 with 6 decades 3.1nm with 25μm slit 512 pixel cooled PDA 900-1700nm 250g/mm 800nm 1.562nm/pixel 25μm x 500μm 130 x108?electrons 130 x108? or? 5 x106?electrons 4000:1 with TEC 16-bit NIR I-V models 127x76x51mm HR/X/SR models 160x100x70mm 2 Amps @ 5 VDC USB-2 and Parallel 40x faster than USB-1 1 millisecond to 30 seconds 25, 50,100, or 200μm Windows XP/Vista/7/8 SpectraWiz program & apps LabView, Excel + VBA, Delphi |