Digital display / load cell DM-100

Digital display / load cell DM-100 Load Controls
DM-100 DIGITAL LOAD數字地磅。Can be calibrated to read the motor load in.可以校準看電機。Percent.百分之。Horsepower.力。Kilowatts or watts.千瓦或瓦。Peak emphasis circuit displays the peak load.峰強電顯示峰值。long enough to be easily read..到可以松。INPUTS.入。0-10 Volts.0-10伏特。0-5 Volts.0-5伏。0-1 Milliamp.0-1毫安。4-20 Milliamp.4-20毫安。FAST RESPONSE.快響應。LARGE BRIGHT 13/16″ LED DISPLAY.大明亮的13 / 16“LED顯示。SIZE.大小。1 13/16″ x 4 1/2″, 5 1/2″ rear clearance (46mm x 114mm x 140mm).1 13 / 16“×4 1 / 21 / 2“5”后4.6mm×114mm x 140mm。Cutout 1 7/16″ x 4 3/16″ (36.5mm x 106.5mm).7 / 16刪1”×4 3 / 16“36.5mm X 106.5mm。POWER.功率。120 Volts AC120伏交流

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