ParaFuel™ NIR Fuel Ethanol Analyzer

ParaFuel™ systems from LT?Industries help you get quick and easy?measurements of properties in Ethanol?made from corn, cellulosic, or other feed?stocks and processes. LT-NIR analysis?of Ethanol takes only seconds. Whether?your need is for an online or a?desktop?analyzer, LT Industries has the solution.?Below are some of the properties the?ParaFuel and PetroScan systems can do?for you in the lab and in-process.

Easy to use, easy to own
Make fussy sampling procedures a thing of the?past. Simply dip the probe into a sample and hit?“Enter” on the controlling computer. The?ParaFuel provides your analytical results in?seconds.

ParaFuel’s full networking capability allows?data to be accessed wherever needed. OpCon-II?user interface provides customized screens,?result reporting, and data-logging. LTBus?software allows the system to interface with plant?DCS, PLC, or other computer systems using?Modbus, 4-20 mA, and other protocols.

Laboratory analyzer upgradeable to online
Start with a laboratory/bench top analyzer and?upgrade to online when the time is right. Helps?to control capital spending and upgrade can be?done in phases to fit your budget.

Available Options:
? On-Line Integration – With sampling points?directly in the process get real time?automated results. Use them to control your?process to balance other inputs, insure?complete reactions, and increase yield of?ASTM approved product.
? Multiplexer – Allows for multipoint?measurement with one analyzer. Up to 20?channels allows for unsurpassed value per?measurement point.
? On-site application – LT personnel will visit?your facility, install and commission the?instrument, develop the analytical models?and provide training your staff. ? Remote Diagnosis – Provides a wide range?of support options via remote connection?including calibration model maintenance,?preventative maintenance, and service?support. Connection is by phone or internet.

Analyzer Specifications:

Reliability: Designed for twenty-four hour operations without shut-down.
Spectral range: 1200 – 2400 nm (other ranges available from 400 – 2400 nm)
Scanning speed: 5 scans per second
Spectral addition: Scans may be added under computer control
Measurement modes: Reflectance, Transmittance, Transflectance
Data interval: 1 nm (1200 points over the spectral range)
Bandwidth: 10 nm
Photometric range: 5 Absorbance Units
Wavelength repeatability: 0.01 nm
Stray light: 0.1% or better
Light geometry: Optimized for minimum specular reflectance and maximal S/N
Auxiliary port: Computer controlled for alternative sampling
Possible signal output: Multiple 4-20 mA, multiple voltages, MODBUS, and more
Power: 120V, 3.5 Amp, 60Hz or 220V, 1.8 Amp, 50 Hz
Power transients: Filtered
Dimensions: 12” x 15“ x 13“ (HWD), 30.5 cm x 39.7 cm x 34.9 cm (HWD)





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