NonSequitur 離子源離子槍 Ion Guns: Model 1401

Nonsequitur公司的Model 1401離子源離子槍非常適合用于表面化學實驗,例如使用Auger 和ESCA進行樣品制備和深度分析,可以用于惰性氣體。

在工作距離為25mm,束流大小為20μA時,光斑為直徑0.4mm。相比較于其他的離子槍而言,離子槍Model 1401能提供的電流密度是其他離子槍的1-倍。當束流為1μA時,光斑最小可以選擇到50μm. 電子束能量可以在范圍5eV到5keV中選擇,并同時保持樣品的最佳聚焦。束流大小可以調節,并不受電子束能量的影響,無需外部設備,可以直接從前面板進行調節。

The ion source may be differentially pumped either directly into the system or by means of a separate turbo pump for improved system vacuum.

The controller with power supplies and scan electronics is housed in a single 5-1/4″ high 19″ rack mount cabinet. The Ion Gun can be controlled either from the front panel or through a flexible interface allowing control of beam and focus voltages, ionization current, gas, beam on/off, and raster. The raster scan is digitally generated for uniform etch rate.

Design Features:

  • High current density 15 to 50 mA/cm2 depending on spot size selected.
  • Unique ion source design for stable emission.
  • Dual tungsten filaments with typical filament life-time > 500 hours. Yttria coated iridium optional.
  • Replaceable beam trimming aperture with typical life-time > 500 hours.
  • All UHV compatible and etch resistant materials used in fabrication.
  • Differential pumping tominimize main chamber gas loading.
  • Gun is easily disassembled for maintenance.
  • Electrical connections and gas inlet located on a single flange for easier installation.
  • Preset extraction and condenser lens parameters (three spot size settings) for repeatable operation.
  • Integral beam current measurement.
  • Direct measurement of ion source pressure.
  • System and cable interlocks prevent energizing high voltage with poor vacuum or cable removed.
  • Power supply and raster generator in single 5-1/4 high 19 inch rack mount enclosure.
  • Digitally generated raster option for uniform etch profile.
  • Computer control option.
  • Optional ion source pressure regulation.

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