Ung實驗室使用CPL SOLO圓偏振熒光光譜儀發(fā)表第二篇InorgChem論文:Synthesis of Enantiopure Lanthanide Complexes Supported by Hexadentate N,N′-Bis(methylbipyridyl)bipyrrolidine and Their Circularly Polarized Luminescence

David Schnable, Kelila Freedman, Kaitlynn M. Ayers, Nathan D. Schley, Moshe Kol, and Ga?l Ung*


We report the synthesis of lanthanide complexes supported by enantiopure N,N′-bis(methylbipyridyl)bipyrrolidine and subsequent characterization through luminescence studies. Complexes of this ligand with the visibly emissive lanthanides Sm, Eu, Tb, and Dy are luminescent (?f of ≤0.32) and demonstrate strong preferential emission of circularly polarized light in all four cases (|glum| of ≤0.26). Notably, all four possess at least one transition with a |glum| of >0.2, and the strongest preferential emission is measured from the complexes of Sm and Dy.

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