Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) for Industry-Specific Needs: High throughput is the major goal 針對行業特定需求:高通量

Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) for Industry-Specific Needs: High throughput is the major goal 針對行業特定需求:高吞吐量

Our High-Flux SDD Modules with ASIC preamplifier are the perfect solution for any application where high count rate performance is the major goal. Due to the extremely low leakage currents levels of PNDetector‘s SDD fabrication, we are happy to provide the best energy resolution of SDDs with ASIC preamplifiers on the market. They are the perfect candidate for demanding industrial customers.



在最佳處理時間下,在Mn-Kα下,卓越的能量分辨率低至<124 eV FWHM
芯片溫度為22°c時分辨率值<135 eV的極端高溫性能
最佳能量分辨率低至132 eV FWHM@Mn-Kα,適用于0.2μs的小峰值時間和1Mcps的高計數率(ICR)


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