主要產品:, 傾點儀, 原油蠟含量測試儀, 瀝青絮凝滴定儀, 原?油?管?道?臘?狀?沉?積?模?擬?分?析?系?統, 阻垢劑測試儀,藍寶石搖擺槽, 水合物反應釜, 粘度計, 高溫高壓粘度計, 流體導熱系數儀, 長期穩定性/壓力測試:動態循環穩定測試儀,減阻劑測試儀, Pour Point Tester PPT 45150, Flocculation Titrimeter FT5,Cold Finger CF, Wax Flow Loop WL, Differential Scale Loop DSL, GasHydrate Autoclave GHA 200& GHA 350, Rocking Cell – SapphireRCS, Rocking Cell RC5, Viscosity Measuring Site VM 30150, Highpressure – High temperature Viscosity Measuring Site, MeasuringSystem Lambda LM, Dynamic Stability Loop DySL, Turbulence RheometerTR
Pour Point Tester PPT 45150傾點測試儀, FlockulationstitrimeterFT5高壓絮凝點滴定儀, Cold Finger CF原油蠟含量測試儀, Wax Flow Loop WL防蠟劑測試儀,Differential Scale Loop DSL阻垢劑測試儀, Gashydratautoklav GHA 200水合物反應釜,Rocking Cell – Saphirglas RCS藍寶石搖擺槽, Rocking Cell RC5水合物搖擺槽,Turbulenzrheometer TR減阻劑測試儀, Messsystem Lambda LM流體導熱系數儀,PPT45150傾點測試儀, FT絮凝滴定儀, PPT 45150便攜式傾點測量測試儀, Examine AsphaltenePrecipitation with the Flocculation Titrimeter FT5瀝青絮凝滴定儀, Analysisof Wax Appearance and Deposition with the Wax Flow Loop原油管道蠟狀物結晶以及沉淀分析系統, Examination of Scale Formation in Pipelines withthe Differential Dynamic Scale Loop 阻垢劑測試儀, Wax Content Testingwith the Cold Finger原油石蠟含量測定儀, lambda Thermal Conductivity ofFluids 流體導熱系數儀, Research of Gas Hydrates with the Rocking Cell RC5水合物搖擺槽, Viscosity Testing with the Viscosity Measuring Site VM30150實驗室粘度計, High pressure – High temperature Viscosity MeasuringSite高溫高壓粘度計, Long Term Stability / Stress Test: Dynamic StabilityLoop DySL長期穩定性/應力測試儀, Quality control of Drag Reducing Agents withthe Turbulence Rheometer 湍流流變儀, PSL Cold_Finger_CF冷指法蠟含量測試儀, PSLDSL差分結垢試驗儀, PSL DyMS瀝青和重油中H2S分析儀, PSL DySL油田化學劑動態穩定性試驗裝置, PSL FT瀝青絮凝滴定儀, PSL LM導熱系數儀, PSL PPT傾點測試儀, PSL TR減阻劑質量控制用湍流流變儀, PSLVM絕對粘度測量儀, PSL WL防蠟劑測試儀