精密溫控樣品池支架:-10.00~+105.00oC (±0.02oC)(可擴展定制-55.00oC到+150.00oC版本)
QUANTUM NORTHWEST(QNW)公司生產光譜分析用的溫控樣品池支架,可以在很寬的溫度范圍內實現快速準確的溫度控制,幾乎可以為任一光譜分析應用提供單個或多個溫控樣品支架,新一代溫控樣品池支架,可以用于紫外/可見光、熒光、圓形二向色、光色散、瞬態吸收、光纖、近紅外、拉曼、中子散射和聲光光譜學。也可提供定制選項。
The CD 250 is a standalone holder that provides temperature control, dry gas purging and magnetic stirring as needed to a wide range of cuvettes or other samples. This versatility is accomplished using a cuvette carriage which firmly mounts within the temperature controlled tower of the CD 250. Cuvette carriages are available for several kinds of cuvettes, including those that are square, rectangular or cylindrical, as well as other samples such as small plates or films. Other carriages can be inexpensively designed as needed. Fused silica windows may be placed on each side of the sample or cuvette to minimize convection losses. Use the CD 250 primarily for absorbance measurements, although depending on the carriage design, an additional optical port at 90 degrees to the excitation may be available for observation of fluorescence or photochemical excitation. Use the CD 250 for work in the biological range of 0 °C to 105 °C. With the correct carriage design and sample, extend temperature ranges to below -40 °C or up to 150 °C. Operate the TC 1/Single Temperature Controller using the menu button, control via optional program T-App, or write your own program for control.cd250 是一個獨立的支架, 可根據需要為各種試劑盒或其他樣品提供溫度控制、干氣凈化和磁攪拌。這種多功能性是通過 cd 250 的溫度控制塔內牢固地安裝在 cd 250 內的 cuvette 托架來實現的。立方車廂可用于幾種類型的立方, 包括正方形、長方形或圓柱形的切割機, 以及其他樣品, 如小板或薄膜。其他車廂可根據需要進行低成本設計。熔融窗可以放置在樣品或立方的每一側, 以最大限度地減少對流損失。使用 cd 250 主要用于吸收測量, 但根據托架設計, 可在90度的激發下增加一個光學端口, 用于觀察熒光或光化學激發。使用 cd 250 在0°c 至105°c 的生物范圍內工作。通過正確的托架設計和樣品, 將溫度范圍擴展到-40°c 以下或高達150°c。使用菜單按鈕操作 tc 半溫度控制器, 通過可選程序 t-app 進行控制, 或編寫自己的程序進行控制。
- 帕爾貼控制可得到快速精確地控制溫度變化
- 快速改變溫度,在需要的溫度范圍內降低溫度變化速率
- 可在非常高或低的溫度范圍內工作
- 可使用腳本自動控制溫度變化
- 通過磁性攪拌可使得樣品溫度均勻
- 每種型號都可以定制以適合不同的光譜儀要求
- 使用熱敏電阻探測器記錄內部樣品溫度
CD 250 樣品池支架,圓二色性
CD 250 是一款用于圓二向色性研究的樣品池支架。
Basic Package:
CD 250 Versatile cuvette holder (requires carriage – see Accessories)
TC 1/Single – Temperature Controller
Two fused silica windows in screw-in holders
Bath 10?– Circulator
NIST-traceable calibration?and performance data
Accessories – Magnetic stir bar, tubing and cables
Water Circulators
Extended Temperature
CD 250 Carriages
Thermistor Probes