Quantum Composers激光部門擁有三個系列的二極管泵浦、多模、固態Nd:YAG激光器。Jewel、MiniJewel和MicroJewel DPSS激光器的能量輸出范圍從7.5mJ到10mJ。這些緊湊耐用的激光器通常用于LIBS、LIDAR、PIV、LIF、OPO、TFT-LCD修復、消融和光譜學應用。
MicroJewel DPSS Lasers
8mJ at 1064nm
1 to 5Hz Rep Rate
6.0 ± 2.0 ns Pulsewidth
1064nm, 532
Jewel DPSS Lasers
10mJ at 1064nm
1 to 50Hz Rep rate
10ns to 12ns Pulsewidth
1064nm, 532, 355 & 266
MiniJewel Lasers & Systems
1mJ to 8mJ?at 1064nm
1 to 50Hz?Rep rate
6.0 ± 2.0 ns Pulsewidth
1064nm, 532, 355 & 266
Built-in attenuator (optional)