美國Shortridge Instruments數據萬用表,ADM-880C萬用表
ADM系列空氣數據萬用表可用作手持式便攜式儀表,用于測量空氣速度、壓力和溫度。這些儀表也可用于獲得8400 FlowHood套件的直接空氣流量讀數。任何型號的儀表都可以在需要時升級為具有更大功能的型號。
ADM-850L型是AirData萬用表的簡化版本。請注意,ADM系列AirData萬用表套件中的任何一個都可以與8400 FlowHood套件一起購買,也可以不購買。
美國Shortridge Instruments ADM-880C萬用表數據規格:
AIR VELOCITY:?±3% of reading ±7 fpm 50 to 5,000 fpm pitot tube (30,000 fpm FS); 50 to 5,000 fpm AirFoil; 50 to 2500 fpm VelGrid. |
DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE:?±2% of reading ±0.001 in wc from 0.0500 to 50.00 in wc, (0.0001 to 60 in wc FS); 20 psid safe pressure. |
TEMPERATURE:?±0.5℉ accuracy from 32℉ to 158℉. |
AIR FLOW:?Accuracy is ±3% of reading ±7 cfm from 100 to 2000 cfm; range is 25 to 2500 supply, 25 to 1500 exhaust with 8400 FlowHood. |
ABSOLUTE PRESSURE:?±2% of reading ±0.1 in Hg from 14 to 40 in Hg referenced to vacuum. 60 psia maximum safe pressure. |
AMBIENT RANGE:?Full range compensation from 40℉ to 140℉. |
AIR DENSITY CORRECTION:?Local or standard (mass flow) air density correction range is 14 to 40 in Hg and 32℉ to 158℉. |
POSITION SENSITIVITY:?Unaffected by position. |
MEMORY:?2000 readings, sequence labeled, sum, average, minimum and maximum. |
CALIBRATION:?Calibration certified NIST traceable. |
READOUT:?10 digit, 0.4″, high contrast, liquid crystal display. |
METER HOUSING:?High impact, molded, “T” grade ABS. |
METER WEIGHT:?38 ounces (1.08kg), including batteries |
SIZE:?6.0″ x 6.4″ x 2.7″ (15.2 x 16.3 x 6.9 cm) |
CONNECTIONS:?1/4″ OD slip-on for 3/16″ ID soft tubing. |
BATTERY LIFE:?3000 readings per charge, 500 recharge cycles. |