7044 Response Time Monitor 響應時間監視器

Tyne Engineering’s Response Time Monitor can be used for critical or safety-related actuator response monitoring or as a delay-on timer. An example application is for testing the response time of the vent panel opening in the Power House Emergency Venting System in Nuclear Power Plants.


成熟的硬件門邏輯設計, 不涉及可編程設備, 也沒有軟件。
可通過數字 BCD 開關設置報警時間。


Timing Resolution 0.01S (10mS)
Timing Accuracy 0.01S(10mS)
EMC Qualification IEC 61000-4-2, Electrical Discharge Requirements

IEC 61000-4-3, Radiated Electromagnetic Field Requirement

IEC 61000-4-4, Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Requirements

IEC 61000-4-5, Surge Withstand

IEC 61000-4-6, Conducted RF Immunity

IEC 61000-4-8, Magnetic Field Immunity Test

IEC 61000-4-11, Voltage Dip, Dropouts, interrupts and voltage

Number of Channels: 6
Mounting Panel Mount, Overall dimension: 7” height X 13.5” width X 10” depth
Control Contacts (Alarm) Dry NO contact, Contact rating 0.5/48VDC.
Input Contacts (Start/Stop/Reset) Dry contacts, Contact Rating: 0.1A @12VDC.
Power Supply 120VAC ± 10%, 60Hz ± 2Hz.
Power Consumption <24VA.
Timing aging ±0.05mS per year in 10-second range (±5ppm/Year Frequency aging Crystal used for timing)
Range 0-99.99S
Alarm Setting 1-99S, with 1 Second step.
Operating Temperature 10-50 °C
Operating Humidity Up to 90%

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