
Friction Tester Type RPG compliant to ISO 8295
Application: Determination of friction behavior of packaging material, plastic foils etc.
Principle: The tester serves to test the friction behavior of two samples moving relatively to each other. The test can be conducted in accordance with ISO 8295 (test of plastic foils, determination of friction behavior). It is used for quality assurance purposes.
For a test the lower specimen, e.g. a metal plate, is mounted on the measurement slider. A jig connected to the force measuring unit holds the the upper specimen. By means of a dead weight the contact pressure is generated. During the measurement the slider is moving against the resistance of the friction pairing at a velocity of 100 mm/min. The measured value of the friction force is contineously monitored. The sliding distance is about 60 mm. The advance velocity can be set ranging from 5 – 300 mm / min prior to the measurement by means of the software.
The friction tester is equipped with a 5 N friction force sensor connected via an amplifier and an USB interface to a computer. The software works with an USB module, providing a resolution of 12 bit.
The slider can be optionally equipped with a heating plate for temperatures up to 80°C connected from below. The power supply is 230VAC +/-10% (50Hz).
Scope of supply:
Friction force sensor 5 N
Dead weight 200 gr
Basic tester with electronical amplifier, measurement slider and advance unit
Software runs under Windows 2k, XP, including USB interface.
Heating plate up to 80°C.
Friction Tester Type RPG compliant to ISO 8295

簡要介紹:用于包裝材料、塑料薄片等材料的摩擦性能判定。 在測量期間,具有摩擦力的滑塊以100mm/min的速度移動。這個摩擦力測量值可以被實時監控,滑行距離大概是60mm,滑行速度可以通過電腦軟件預先設置,范圍是5 – 300 mm / min之間。摩擦儀是由一個帶有5N傳感器并且通過一個放大器和一個USB與電腦連接的設備。軟件與USB模塊通過12bit協議工作。 滑塊能任意安裝,底部連接溫度可以加熱至80°C的加熱板.
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